Journal abbreviation = SERBD- Int. J. Multidiscip. Sci. ISSN-2581-8376
[An International Peer Reviewed Journal]
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remember to write your name of all authors and correspondance email address below your manuscript title.
There must be 3-5 keywords below abstract also.
SERBD publishes research papers of following research field →
S.No. | Subject | S.No. | Subject |
1 | Chemical Sciences | 2 | Earth Sciences |
3 | Life Sciences | 4 | Mathematical Sciences |
5 | Physical Sciences | 6. | Medical Sciences |
7 | Pharmaceutical Sciences | 8. | Social Sciences |
9. | Historical Sciences | 10. | Sciences of Business Sciences |
11 | Sciences of Electrohomeopathy | 12. | Sciences of Laws |
In journal SERBD- International Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences, most of which are published in collaboration with societies and other organizations. SERBD publishes in subscription model. In subscription model, we have divided journal in subject-wise segments. Author (First or Corresponding) will have to take one year subscription of their segment at nominal charges. The SERBD will provide access to all issues of the given segment. The principal destination for our publications is SERBD-IJMS site. Our mission is to bring the highest quality research to the widest possible audience. SERBD is working with over various partners to maximize the global reach of journal published by us on their behalf. We also engage with librarians through advisory groups and other means to ensure that we continue to meet their changing needs.
The Journal`s mission statement is to serve scientists through prompt publication of significant advances in any branch of science, and to provide a forum for the reporting and discussion of news and issues concerning science.
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The article should be prepared according to the following guidelines: The length of articles is normally no greater than 10,000 words but should not exceed 20,000 words, including an abstract and notes. An article exceeding the length limit will be returned to the author. At the beginning of the article, the title, abstract and a list of key words should precede the text. Please use section headings in bold type and number them. References should conform to the style displayed in the samples below under Citations and References. The paragraph break should be indicated by an extra line space rather than an indentation at the beginning of a paragraph. Font should be 12-point Arial, whether in normal, bold, or italic, including endnotes. Please do not insert line breaks in the text or special spacing for formatting. The left hand, the right hand, the top and the bottom margins should all be 3cm. The paper you submit should be in PDF only. Please do NOT submit texts in MS Word, Rich Text Format (RTF), or WordPerfect. Do NOT compress or lock your PDF. Do NOT compress the images in your premier word.doc either. Do NOT number the pages of your PDF and Do NOT use any headers or footers either.
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Articles for submission must be previously unpublished and in English. Papers should be well-written, and we encourage grace as well as clarity. It is important that papers be copy-edited carefully before submission. Drafts are not acceptable. In submitting work to SERBD-IJMS, authors agree to the policies of the journals, including access method and use of the material published in it with, of course, proper acknowledgment of authorship and source. All articles will be blind-refereed. The decision of the editorial board is final. Articles accepted for publication will be copyrighted by SERBD-IJMS. Because SERBD-IJMS relies on the generosity of scholars who contribute their time to review articles, we ask that authors not submit their work to other journals at the same time. However, we expect that the review process will move quickly and that authors will be notified within two weeks. In sending work to SERBD-JMS for possible publication, the submitter attests that the work is original and that he or she is the author, that it has not been published, and that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
To avoid wasting the time and effort of the associate editor and reviewers, authors should not retract/withdraw previously submitted manuscripts. However, authors may request the retraction/withdraw of their submitted manuscript due to unforeseen circumstances. Once the paper has been approved for publication, it cannot normally be withdrawn. Manuscript withdraw is chargeable. You have to pay Rs. 1250/- (Indian Rupees) for a retraction/withdraw of the manuscript. If your paper is accepted at another journal, you should not remove it. The Publications Committee of SERBD will consider any disciplinary action to be taken in such cases.
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