Society for Environment Resources and Biotechnology Development (SERBD) is a non-profit, non-political organization committed to sustainable socio-economic development, conservation of natural resources, use of clean energy and protection of the environment through research and implementation of specific activities.
A group of enlightened environmentalists, development workers, and nature lovers came together with the idea of advocating to protect the ever-degrading ecosystem of Indian subcontinent.
As a result, SERBD was formed on July 31, 2017, to work with the grassroots-level community. The organization promotes the long-term co-existence of people and natural ecosystems on our planet, creating harmony among all living beings.
SERBD exists to address and solve integrated environmental and socio-economic problems. It has been working on: issues arising from global warming and sea level rise; preparedness to respond to natural hazards; mobilizing communities to eradicate unplanned and unsustainable over-harvesting and use of natural resources; bringing together different stakeholders to stop the extinction of rare species of flora and fauna; preserving Sundarbans biodiversity loss; minimizing the adverse impact on the eco-system due to accelerated human population growth; opposing human rights violations; and promoting gender equity. In addition, SERBD works to improve socio-economic conditions for the most vulnerable communities by focusing on food crises, farming, fisheries, education, health and nutrition and unemployment.
The organization’s strategies focus on encouraging participation of local communities in important decision-making related to issues that bridge nature and society.
SERBD helps create and develop initiation strategies for such groups, as well as to expand and explore its own initiatives through similar national and international organizations, research institutes, think tanks, universities, etc.
Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.
Photo : left to right > sitting front row: Rajat Rajput, Avnish Kumar, Monika Asthana, Shipra Shukla, Pramod Yadav,
standing row > Muskan Gupta, Sandhya Koli, Swati Verma After constitution of SERBD First meeting of executive committee on 09-August-2017 afternoon 1:10pm
In SERBD, Suggestions are always heard patiently